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Welcome to Indian Crop Culture

Established in early in 2014 primarily engaged in Import, Manufacturing and Marketing of Agricultural and Agro chemicals. The Company is established by Mr. Chhatrapati Ramchandraji Wankhede (Managing Director), M.Sc. Agriculture and by profession who are having well established presence in the techno commercial fields in Maharashtra. Having successful achievement on branding of X-PERT Market, from the year 2014 onwards the group started manufacturing of agrochemicals, Micronutrients and Water Soluble Fertilizers. Presently, it spreads in all Maharashtra with ISO 9001:2015 certified manufacturing sites in Jalgaon, (Maharashtra-India). Production and Process of Our own largest bio fertilizer Production house is approved by Agricultural Department of Government of Maharashtra. ICC continuously develops and introduces newly off patented formulations to meet the requirements of the farmers/customers with their almost satisfaction. Our Company’s Core Value is “Honest People, transparent Act” As well as “Naye Vishwas Ka Nirman”

Indian Crop Culture. one of the leading organizations in Agri business established on 2014 for manufacturing Agro products. It has corporate office located in Jalgoan which is popularly known as Banana City. While the manufacturing unit is situated at MIDC Jalgaon, which is one of the most important center of Agriculture business with respect to Horticulture Belt in the District. Indian Crop Culture is already famous by one of its best brand example : 'STAR PLUS' Which has become the most popular product of the organization. Now the organization is known by the name 'ICC'. The other popular products which are line up and creating waves in the market are as Rainbow, Prestige Plus, Energy Plus Granuller, Sea- Zyme , Gold Stick, Root-Up K, Ready Bordo, Sticker, With Our Micronutrient Fertilizers Products like, Boron, Zink, Complete, Miracle, Samtol, Magnesium Sulphate, Active and Imported Water Soluble Product like, Major 19-19-19,Major 00-52-34(Mono Potassium Phosphate),Major 13- 00- 45( Potassium Nitrate),Major 13-40-13,Major 12-16-00 (mono Ammonium Phosphate), Major 00-00-50 (Sulphate of Potash), Major Calcium Nitrate etc. The Organization Managers, Officers, Employees, Dealers as well as farmers constitute a "ICC PARIWAR".

1500 Satisfied Customers
80 Our Products
24 Hours Of Support
15 Hard Workers

Products Quality & Benifits

Plants Growths

A Bio fertilizer (also bio-fertilizer) is a substance which contains living microorganisms which, when applied to seeds, plant surfaces, or soil, colonize the rhizosphere or the interior of the plant and promotes growth by increasing the supply or availability of primary nutrients to the host plant.

Root Developement

Plant roots are responsible for nutrient and water uptake and provide physical support to the plant. Most of the root system is made of lateral roots that originate postembryonically. Lateral root development is controlled by different factors including nutrient concentration in the plant and the soil.

Resistance Power

Relative to a susceptible plant, disease resistance is the reduction of pathogen growth on or in the plant (and hence a reduction of disease), while the term disease tolerance describes plants that exhibit little disease damage despite substantial pathogen levels. Disease outcome is determined by the three-way interaction of the pathogen, the plant and the environmental conditions (an interaction known as the disease triangle)..

Prevention of Disease

Bacteria, Fungi and Viruses. These all cause diseases in plants and many infect weeds and dead plant material, so keep the garden neat to help reduce problems. Also, avoid introducing diseases to your containers by buying certified disease-free plants and tubers, and never take cuttings.

Minimum Expenses of Fertilizers

Fertilizers are natural or synthetic chemical substance or mixture used to enrich soil so as to promote plant growth. Low Cost of Fertilzers.

Good Quality Crops

The use of Indian crop culture company product for good quality crops.


Various Events taken by Indian Crop Cultur Jalgon for the Farmares Training.

Meet our Team

Mr.Chhatrapati Ramchandra Wankhede

Mr.Chhatrapati Ramchandra Wankhede M.Sc. Agri from Nagpur University and 25 years of experience of Agriculturer Products Develepement and Research.

Indian Crop culture is a Jalgaon based company established in the year 2014,engaged in Manufacturing and Exporting of Complete Plant Nutrition and Protection Products such as Rainbow, Star Plus ,Prestige Plus, Energy Plus Granular, Sea- Zyme , Gold Stick, Root-Up K, Ready Bordo, Sticker, With Our Amino and EDTA Chelated Micronutrient Fertilizers Products like, Boron, Zink, Complete, Miracle, Samtol, Magnesium Sulphate, Active and Imported Water Soluble Product like, Major Water Soluble Fertilizers etc, Coming Soon Bio fungicides, Bio pesticides with certain Crop Specific Fertilizers too as Indian Crop culture is a research based agri inputs manufacturing company with ultramodern technology try this website. www.indiancropculture.com is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company. With a vision to offer ecofriendly products of a new generation and to fulfil the increasing demand, besides this we are planning further to expand our program to manufacture various world class products through our continuous research and development. Today we are proud to say that we understand the Nutrition demand of next generation and to fulfill the increasing food need of world. I congratulate entire ICC team and for their efforts and confident that this catalogue will offer relevant and meaningful information of our products.

with best regards

Mr .Chhatrapati R. Wankhede
(Managing Director)

Contact Us

Indian Crop Culture
22/24, Nivrutti Nagar,Jalgaon-425001 (M.S.) India


+ 91-75073 20067

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